Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Chive Eggs

So according to this one Korean TV show I watched, chive-fed chickens have pretty incredible eggs. The yolks become very resistant to breaking. Maybe some American farm could capitalize on this?

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

So I was biking and I almost killed this dude...

Since he did that all-too-familar try-to-avoid-me-while-I-try-to-avoid-him head-on colliding with me, the dance where he manages to turn to the exact same side that I try to pass him on, and then go back when I swerve to avoid him... I almost served him a breakfast of rubber tire and steel rim. Instead, I braked.

Anyways. This brought to light a very minor, and very common, problem on the streets today- that there's no custom for passing people when you're walking in the opposite direction they are on the sidewalk. Possible solution? Create a custom. Could it be possible to spread the word and affect enough people to actually turn "PASS ON THE RIGHT" into a custom?